How To Save $1 Million For Retirement

Starting to save early for retirement is extremely beneficial in the long run, especially if you have the dream of retiring with $1 million as so many Canadians do. It’s not an easy feat, but for most Canadians, retiring with $1 million is a realistic goal. You most...
Buying Your First Home in Canada

Buying Your First Home in Canada

What Newcomers Need to know! The reason I have a blog and share information is to educate my clients and prospective clients about mortgages. Obviously there is a lot to know about mortgages, financing, and buying property, and there are a lot of great ways for me to...
Be More Productive with the Rule of 3

Be More Productive with the Rule of 3

This article was originally published on LinkedIn by Chris Bailey on Oct 28th 2015. Chris is a self-proclaimed Jedi Master at A Life of Productivity where he blogs about being productive. For Some Strange Reason, Our Brain is Wired to Think in Threes. As kids, we grow...